Grindstone Heartstopper Toe Stops have arrived, all the way from Austin, Texas!
These Grindstone Heartstopper Toe Stops are available in 5 different colours:
Turquoise Tejas
Magenta Mama
Ganja Mama
La La Lavender
These Heartstoppers are not compatible with roller skates that do not have an adjustable toe stop (such as impala) or any other skates that use metric components.
We have another option for Bolt-On Grindstone Heartstoppers. You can view the Bolt-On Toe Stops here.
not sure if you need bolt on toe stops or adjustable toe stops? check your skates! is there a hole in the center of your stop that a bolt goes through? then yes you need bolt on. no hole but a threaded stem sticking out of the back/into your plate that is tightened with a washer/nut or allen tool on the side of your plate? you need adjustable stops. But no worries, this option is also available on the site! you can view the Grindstone bolt-on toe stops here.